Find your surf school or course in Sitges

Find your surf school or course in Sitges

Icon 4 May, 2023
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Every year, with the arrival of summer, we all plan a series of activities we want to do, some people want to relax, while the more adventurous ones go in search of new and exciting adventures. If you consider yourself part of the second group then let me tell you about an activity that you’re going to to love. Surfing! If you haven’t had the chance to try it yet, don’t worry because today we’ll tell you about the best beaches where you can start and we’ll help you find your best surf school in Sitges.

Without a doubt, surfing has become a very well known practice over the years, it is a sport that once you discover it can bring you many benefits, the best known is the positive impact it has on your health, but in most cases this takes a back seat, as the main reason for surfers to enjoy this practice so much is to be able to perceive and experience sensations that not many sports can offer.

In Catalonia, a very popular place for those who want to practice this sport, or learn it, is Sitges, where factors such as weather conditions allow you to enjoy waves for all tastes almost every day. Some beaches have calmer, gentler swells that are ideal for beginners, while others offer incredible waves for more experienced surfer

Aiguadolç Beach

The Marina d’Aiguadolç beach is located before reaching the Port of Sitges. It is a family beach, quiet and one of the most frequented by surfers.

Although it is only 145 metres long, it is one of the best places to surf in Sitges. During autumn and winter it can be an excellent option for surfing long waves, ideal for intermediate and advanced surfers looking for a challenge. The beach is quite accessible, has parking and good services, and can be reached on foot from the centre of Sitges.

surf sitges

La Fragata

This 160 metre long beach is located in the Ferrol area, exposed to the northwest and it is in this direction that the waves are directed, which tend to be ideal for intermediate level surfers who are looking for long waves.

surf sitges

As well as these beaches, there are many more. Sitges offers wonderful places and many schools or courses so that you can get the chance to surf without any inconvenience.

Sitges Surf Club

This is a non-profit club dedicated to instructing and training people of all ages in the practice of surfing. Whether you’re looking to learn from beginner level or simply want to improve your tactics, this club offers different types of classes so you can choose the one that most appeals to you. From group and private lessons to fun activities such as beginners and Big SUP. In this club you can also rent all the material you need in case you don’t have it.


Here you can find different monthly courses available on weekends, you choose whether you prefer Saturday or Sunday depending on your preferences and the sea conditions. Lessons last 1h 30 minutes. You will get the most out of this fun sport while learning more and more about the sea and the weather.

Come and get the most out of your holidays by trying out a surf school in Sitges.


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