Suggestions to eat healthy during your summer holidays in Sitges

Suggestions to eat healthy during your summer holidays in Sitges

Icon 9 May, 2018
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Enjoying the summer holidays in Sitges become an excellent opportunity for the healthy food lovers.


Sitges tend to be known for its culture, for its landscapes, for its environment However, this is not the only in which the coastal Catalan city is a referent. Its gastronomy has nothing to envy to other gastronomies, as it is part of one of the best culinary trends, the Mediterranean cuisine, that distinguish for being one of the healthiest.


Its best dish is probably the “arroz a la sitgetana”, a specialty that, as the author Emerencià Roig i Raventós affirms in the book Sitges dels nostres avis published in 1934, could have its origins in the middle of the XVIIth century. This dish is a perfect combination of products from the mountain and from the sea that define so well the Catalan locality, because, between its ingredients, we can find from pork rib to shellfish. Besides, some typical and healthy vegetables of the Mediterranean cuisine, as for example, onion, green pepper and red pepper, cannot miss either and that results on the fact that this dish is one of the best options for the ones that want to eat healthy during their summer holidays in Sitges.

arroz a la sitgetana: summer holidays in sitges.


The “xató” is one of the other dishes that every tourist has to taste during his or her summer holidays in Sitges. It is a salad made with healthy products: escarole, anchovies, tuna, cod, olives, tomatoes, vinegar, oilÔǪ All these accompanied with a sauce made with two nuts, famous, among other things, for its health benefits: almonds and toasted hazelnuts.


xato: summer holidays in Sitges.

For the wine lovers that look for a typical specialty to have the opportunity to enjoy their summer holidays in Sitges, the “malvasía de Sitges” is an excellent option to delight the most demanding palates after the lunch, as we are talking about a product that would be situated between the wine category and the liqueur category. This wine is worldwide known for its sweetness and aroma and, nowadays, we can find different variants: the “malvasía clásica”, the “malvasía seca”, the “blanc subur” and the “vino espumoso de malvasía”.


malvasía: summer holidays in Sitges.


We can taste all that in the high number of restaurants that are situated in the city and that offer not only typical food from Sitges, also from the rest of Catalunya and Spain. However, if we want to make these or other dishes ourselves, the most advisable is to visit the municipal market, as it offers a wide variety of first quality fresh products. We cannot either forget the shop “Vi més Vi”, specialized in regional and international wines that offer the possibility to their clients to have and enjoy there a glass of wine, or the Güell wine cellars.


Definitely, these are some of the options for those who want to enjoy some unforgettable summer holidays in Sitges without missing the opportunity to delight with one of the most sublime and healthy food offers of the world.

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