Sitges holiday rental agency

Sitges holiday rental agency

Icon 2 September, 2016
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WeeklyVillas, a holiday rental agency in Sitges.

Welcome to Weekly Villas, an agency specializing in holiday rentals in Sitges of villas and apartments, a coastal town located 30 minutes from Barcelona. Our work began when, eager to know the world, we decided to rent our home and obtain the fruits that would allow us to pay part of our intrepid adventures. After a while, we realized that renting our villa gave us a double benefit: in addition to becoming a source of income, it allowed us to make improvements in the house, keeping it in a perfect state year after year.

On the other hand, renting villas in the coastal town of Sitges gives us pleasure and satisfaction: we enjoy working on something as beautiful as making people’s vacations the most similar to discovering Eden on land. Our villas are comfortable, beautiful, modern, authentic. All offer a cozy interior life and an outdoor life full of nature, light and fun.

Our repertoire of villas for rent follows a specific pattern: guarantee the most comfort and tranquility in dream locations near the famous beaches of Sitges, two steps from the picturesque center, and half an hour from the famous city of Barcelona.

To complete our magnificent service, apart from offering spacious and hospitable villas for rent, we dedicate part of our work to inform you about all the news, events, places, celebrations, festivities and important moments to go to in Sitges, Barcelona, Penedes and Port Aventura, enclaves known to the world for their cultural, artistic, gastronomic, sports, idle, and family interests.

We hope that this website will not only help you when renting a house for your holidays, but that it becomes a guide and a reference of quality to organize your stay in Sitges.

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