Weather in Sitges in August


32ºC. Hot all the day, clear blue sky and crowded beaches.

Weather in Sitges in August: The weather in Sitges in August is warm. With waters that invite to long baths. A lively conversation on the shore. To improvise meals in the bars. To share sparkling dinners on the terraces of the restaurants.
The weather in Sitges in August requires a swimming pool in your holiday villa, a refreshing garden on which to stretch, movable sun loungers to place under the shady cloaks of the trees.


Sitges local parties: Celebrate with the natives the town their day and patron Saint Bartolome, with Catalan dances, fireworks and folk songs. The citizens of Sitges begin the day of August 23 with the typical catalan breakfast of freshly baked bread, high quality sausages, olive oil and beer, the tireless companion during these holidays.

Run alongside the “correfocs”, protected by a colorful straw hat and dark sunglasses. Contemplate the beautiful “Sardana” dances and delight your ears with catalan music songs.

Get ready for the fireworks of eleven o’clock in Paseo Marítimo, or contemplate it from a boat at sea. The experience it is unique and unforgettable, 100 % local.


Gracia local parties: For 7 consecutive days, Gracia, the most authentic and singular neighborhood of Barcelona, celebrates its local parties. Go and participate in its numerous activities: concerts, popular events, games and children’s workshops… Wander through the streets disguised and contemplate its fun and original ornaments. You may find yourself in an enchanted forest, in the middle of Star Wars, or submerged in a sea riddled with sharks.

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