The paperwork of your villa in Sitges with our check-in and check-out personalized service

The paperwork of your villa in Sitges with our check-in and check-out personalized service

Icon 10 September, 2018
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When a guest reserves one of our villas in Sitges with Weekly Villas, the «Check-in Manager» contact automatically between two and three weeks before the entrance.


In the mail of contact, the «Check-in Manager» confirms with the guest the personal information in order to communicate, the e-mail and the phone number; in this way, we can be sure that we are well communicated if there is an incident. Our «Check-in Manager» will give you the contact telephone to facilitate future communications.


In addition, in the mail, there is attached a map of the location of the villa in Sitges (at which you can also access from our web page: and we also ask you the means of transport in which you will travel; in this way, if there was a delay the day of the check-in, the person in charge of receiving you, would be aware of the incident.



Once the guest arrives to the villa in Sitges, the «Check-in Manager» will be waiting to make a personal reception, show the villa, the functioning and be sure that all corresponds to what the guest has seen in the description of the villa in Sitges.


Weekly Villas will proportionate an operation manual in three languages with the norms of the villa in Sitges, the emergency telephones and a list of good addresses that can result interesting for the guest.


Additionally, the guest can count with the «Check-in Manager» for any serious incidence that can occur during the stay.


If the guest detects any fault in the villa in Sitges, he or she must inform the ┬½Check-in Manager┬╗ as soon as possible. In that way, we can guarantee that the stay won’t be affected by the incidence. Between the first and second day.


Regarding the arrival of the guest, the check-in will be carried out from 16.00 pm but it the guest wanted to arrive at a different time, the special charges would be:


45€ anytime on Sundays

45€ between 20.00 pm and 00.00 pm any day

75€ after 00.00 pm any day




The check-out in our villas in Sitges is carried out before 10.00 am in the morning and if the guest delayed its end much more time, there would be imposed a penalty.


The only thing we ask for to the guest before completing the stay in one of our villas in Sitges is to leave the keys on the table and close properly the door without activating the alarm.


Do not leave the garbage in or in front of the villa in Sitges or the garden and switch off all the air conditioners.


Finally, from 10.00 pm we carry out the cleaning service, the check-out control, and we proceed automatically to pay the guarantee transferred by the client with the IBAN which proportionate the guest.

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