Garraf and its natural wonders

Garraf and its natural wonders

Icon 2 November, 2016
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Discover the natural treasures that awaits the Garraf Natural Park.

Garraf is a protected natural park, a scenic treasure full of trails for trekking, bike rides or carry out long hikes. It has 12.820 hectares of mountains, pine forests, hills and dirt roads.

Blessed by a warm sun for much of the year, and with pristine views over Mediterranean sea, Garraf welcomes his guest with ease and lightness, simplicity and naturalness. Penetrate in this beautiful natural park means to find oneself surrounded by pine woods, honeysuckle and rosemary. Means to walk through a welcoming nature, surrounded by singsong wildlife and quiet vegetation.


Walker often crosses with authentic hikers and groups of cyclists, mushroom pickers or harvesters blackberries, who always greeted with “Bon dia” or “Bona tarda”: live in this magical greeen environment sweetens the character of people. As one advance along the dirt roads and trails of stone, he crosses with unexpected elements: an authentic farmhouse raised at the peak of a hill, like Tuscan, a luxury house sheltered from the urban bustle, a steak restaurant of catalan dishes, vineyards, a buddhist monastery… An endless number of places full of charm and spirituality, rustic and as the same time elegant.


All the trails are marked with signs, and although it seems lonely and deserted, its routes are trodden assiduously: get lost is not serious, since one can be sure that someone will rescue him. Explore its natural ways is an exceptional, very spiritual and mystical experience: the passer-by notices as his inner self and soul conecte harmoniously with the peaceful, calm and quiet character of surrounding nature. The small things of life, as a beautiful flower or an unexpected bird chirping, turn into real wonders. The senses are sharpened, it sensitizes the skin, and the sea breeze gently caresses the troublemaker and loose hair.


The viewer is overwhelmed by the play of colors that occur in this plant environment: the brightness of green highlights its intense by the shiny sunny rays and the neatness of a fresh, clean and pure air. Blue sky covers the roads of stone, and makes games violet shadow over the trodden path.

Garraf massif shows, generously, the richness of its natural and cultural heritage, welcomes his guest with hospitality and leaves him overwhelmed with its vibrant flora and indulgent fauna. The instinctive balance and the quiet essence of this nature transcend this mere existence, and are deliberately introduced among the deepest recesses of being to stabilize their energies, calm temperament, and appeasing tensions and concerns. It’s a healing and very powerful experience, ideal to dilute the everyday fears.

If you travel to Sitges and you stay in one of our wonderful villas, surrounded by nature and a few minutes of the endless blue sea, we guarantee you tranquility, peace and comfort. And we invite you to put on sport sneakers and explore the beautiful roads of this esplendid natural park.

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